Pine Ridge Spay & Neuter Clinic:
June 8-9, 2019
C.A.R.E. helped sponsor another successful clinic in Kyle, South Dakota. The clinic was free to the tribal community and was organized and conducted by the Oglala Pet Project (OPP). Their web address
This is a post from the group:
It’s late. It was a long two days. You want the good news? The great news? Let’s talk about the last 48 hours.....
42 female dogs
40 male dogs
12 female cats
15 male cats
109 animals spayed and neutered!
Can it get any better? Oh yes it can because on top of those 109 animals that were fixed was 192 more that were vaccinated, dewormed and frontlined (flea & tick treatment).
A grand total of 301 animals, 48 hours, 1 vet, 2 techs and an amazing small team of OPP volunteers. I am grateful, proud, amazed of the work that happened this weekend. If that wasn’t enough 18 faces were also surrendered to start new beginnings in rescues. Thank you to everyone who helped and the community members who wanted better lives for their pets.
C.A.R.E. has worked with Jessica Braun, DVM from Hays, Kansas since we started in 2007. We appreciate her introducing us to Oglala Pet Project and volunteering her services at their clinics.